Sunday 25 January 2015


Within the content of this web site you will find archived information about almost every aspect of Birmingham and the West Midlands. Please remember that this is an archive and no longer an active website although occasionally you might find new posts.

Information may no longer be up to date and the content within this website is provided on an "as is" basis. You are welcome to use the comments function to correct or update any information. This website still receives thousands of visitors every month which is the only reason we still keep it going.

It is important for visitors to understand that this is a private site and nothing to do with the Tourist Information Office and therefore we cannot respond to requests for posters or general information. Please note that we are NOT interested in any affiliate programs or reciprocal links of any kind. We do not offer any kind of paid advertising or promotions.

To navigate the rest of the site just click on the main header tabs at the top of this web page. The site has been split into sections and each section is independent of the others. Thank you for visiting Birmingham UK Com.

Photographs of Birmingham released into the Public Domain:
Birmingham 2005 ( Part 1 ) click here or view on You Tube
Birmingham 2005 ( Part 2) click here or view on You Tube
Birmingham 2005 - 2007 ( Part 3) click here or view on You Tube

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