Sunday 22 April 2012

Unfortunate Cook

Aston Hall, Birmingham Aston Hall, once owned by the Lords of the Manor of Aston, is now a museum owned by the Birmingham Corporation. Opposite it’s gates, at the bottom of the hill, is Aston Church where many of the Holte family are buried. The Hall was built by Sir Thomas Holte.

Building commenced in 1618 and was finally completed in 1635; the Holte Family took up occupation in 1631. Prior to the move to Aston, Sir Thomas had lived at Duddeston Manor, where he is said to have killed his cook in a fit of rage. He is said to have split the poor unfortunate’s head with a meat cleaver “so that the left half of the skull fell onto his left shoulder and the right half fell onto his right shoulder”. As a result of him having been accused of this Sir Thomas is said to have taken out a libel action and won his case.

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