Saturday, 2 June 2012

Galton Valley Canal Heritage Centre

Galton Valley Canal Heritage Centre, the Smethwick Pumping Station and Smethwick Engine provide a fascinating insight into the town and valley that grew up alongside the canal.

The museum looks at the history, archaeology, ecology, architecture and social life of this lost era. The Galton Bridge, Smethwick Pumping Station and the Smethwick Engine are all close by.

In the recent 2009 Black Country Tourism Awards, the Heritage Centre was a Silver Award winner in the "Best Visitor Attraction" catergory.

The centre has had support from the Heritage Lottery Fund and there are many events throughout the year. The guided walks are highly recommended.

The Heritage Centre, Brasshouse Lane, Smethwick, B66 1BA.  Tel: 0121 558 8195

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