Saturday 2 June 2012



Hockley has always been an integral part of the make up of Birmingham. It features heavily in its history and trade. Known for its Jewellery Quarter and Gun Making, the area comprises of light industry, retail trade and the housing tends to date from around the 1900's.
As the regeneration of Birmingham develops it is inevitable that this area of the city will be revitalised and become a more desirable location in which to live. One of the main routes into Birmingham passes through Hockley and the run down buildings and empty boarded up retail units and small warehouses are not the best advertisement for the modern and vibrant city that Birmingham has become known for.
The Soho Foundry although listed as Handsworth, is very close to Hockley. This is very much still a working area of the city and a drive round Hockley will soon reveal that there are some fine examples of regeneration and efforts being made to turn old brownfield industrial sites in new modern housing and more attractive retail outlets.

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