Monday, 4 June 2012

Winson Green

Winson Green gets it name from the fact that it would originally have been a small settlement with a village green. Like many smaller settlements that would have once been surrounded by countryside, Winson Green was enveloped by the land hungry city of Birmingham
Much of the development of Winson Green took place in the late 1800's and this is reflected in the number of Victorian properties that still exist in the area. Winson Green borders Smethwick and most people know Winson Green for its famous prison or from visits to City Hospita
Winson Green still has to benefit from the regeneration of Birmingham and many parts of Winson Green are still run down and in need of renovation. The area is however served with a reasonably good level of local amenities and recreational facilities. Summerfield Park with its well kept lawns and flower borders is particularly well laid out and Edgbaston reservoir is close to Winson Green and provides much needed open space and relaxation for those wishing to escape from the daily stress of city living.

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