Monday, 4 June 2012

Winson Green Prison

Winson Green prison is a Victorian prison built in 1849. It is a prison for male prisoners. Winson Green prison is a local prison and serves the courts of Birmingham and Coventry as well as Burton, Cannock, Lichfield, Rugeley, Sutton and Tamworth.

The prison has two training wings with workshop spaces and an education centre which places emphasis on basic and key skills. There are resettlement and preparation for work sessions. The prison is currently undergoing a major expansion programme which includes two new houseblocks, a health care centre, workshop and gymnasium.

Visitors Centre: All domestic visitors must report to the visitors centre 30 minutes before the visit Remand/convicted visits booking line: 0121 507 1598 (can only book 7 days in advance.)

The booking line times are 09.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 16.30.

Recently the prison has come under much criticism for its conditions and hopefully this will change with the modernisation and adding of new facilities. A recent BBC report came up with the following information:

The Chief Inspector of Prisons for England and Wales has described conditions at Birmingham's Winson Green Jail as some of the worst ever seen. Sir David Ramsbotham said ministers had ignored his appeals to improve the Victorian prison and conditions had deteriorated since his last highly critical report.

Around 11% of inmates claimed to have been assaulted by officers and one mentally-disturbed prisoner had been denied a wash or change of clothes for weeks because staff thought he was faking his illness.

Source: BBC Website:

HM Prison, Winson Green Road, Birmingham, B18 4AS. Tel: 0121 345 2500

Birmingham Police Museum, Sparkhill Police Station, 639 Stratford Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham. B11 4EA. Tel: 0121 626 7181

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